These are our Terms of Use.
If you use our website or use our services, it means that these Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy (which you can find at both apply to you and you agree with both.
We may change these Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy, so we expect you to check this page (and our Privacy Policy) from time to time as the changes will be binding on you. There may also be changes elsewhere on our website.
2.Who We Are is operated by OD Consultancy Ltd, a UK Limited company registered in England under company number 3389226.
Some important details about us:
Our registered office is at: Innovation House, Ramsgate Road, Sandwich. CT13 9FF. United Kingdom.
Our trading office is the same as our registered office.
3.What you must not do
You must not use our website or services to do any of the following:
In particular in relation to our software or our licensor’s software (Software) that you use as part of using our services or website:
4. Account and password rules
You must not do any of the following:
5. Suspension and Termination
If we think you have breached these Terms of Use or our Privacy Policy, we will take whatever steps we think are necessary. These might include:
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For more info, see our Privacy Policy.