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Projectfusion vs SharePoint

Projectfusion vs Microsoft Sharepoint for Business Microsoft 365 is a great place to work on internal documents. Projectfusion adds huge value when it comes to

climate change

Mergers, Acquisitions & Climate Change

Climate change is having a significant impact on the M&A landscape. According to a survey of 400 dealmakers, environmental issues are transforming markets and influencing

Why are data rooms so expensive?

The demand for secure and efficient online data management means that data rooms are a must. Whether facilitating M&A (mergers and acquisitions), managing sensitive legal


Projectfusion gets an upgrade!

As part of our development process, we are always striving to improve functionality and add features, upgrades and tools for our users that will build

Projectfusion plants trees!

At Projectfusion, we put people and the planet first. It’s no surprise then that we were eager volunteers to join a recent tree planting session

Ethical Power choose Projectfusion

Projectfusion is trusted by multiple renewable Energy firms including Ethical Power, for procurement, securing confidential documents, and much more. Ethical Power are rapidly becoming the

Turning Black Friday Green ⚫?

In a world dominated by rampant consumerism and Black Friday deals that often prioritise discounts over values, Projectfusion is taking a bold step this year.


Customer Spotlight: Hive Energy

We recently sat down with Hive Energy to discuss how using Projectfusion data rooms have been a game changer in the way they work. The

Customer Spotlight: Sulantrix

David Williams, CEO at Sulantrix, has been in Biotech for almost 40 years, taking medicines from discovery to market and forming existing new companies. His

Data Hygiene Best Practices

Why is Data Hygiene Important? With much of our lives now taking place in the digital real, data hygiene is as important as ever in

steps M&A meeting

Steps of the M&A process

Steps of the M&A process The number of steps and processes in M&A (Mergers & Acquisitions) can be rather overwhelming. Luckily, with a little knowhow,

client giving

Giving back to our clients

At Projectfusion, we believe in the power of giving back to people and the planet. We understand that our success is directly tied to the

Customer Spotlight: Wren Healthcare

We recently spoke to healthcare provider Wren to get their thoughts on our secure file sharing platform safedrop, and how it’s revolutionised the way they

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