We’ve just updated our Index feature – we now offer a one page printable summary of the entire data room, and a full Excel index.
When you are reviewing documents the onscreen index gives you an at a glance overview of the entire data room, and tells you how large the main folders are.
If you need detail, the new excel index is right there – a nice list of all documents on the site – it’s formatted ready to print, and will handle international character sets.
In excel you can easily create a closing bible, or use filters to show the bits you want to look at.
Here’s the browser view – it’s a one page summary of the top 3 levels of the site – it easily lets you get a feel for the size, and structure of the data room. And it will always print out nicely on A4 or letter.
When you need more detail, then download the full index in excel format. This lets you easily print out a full list of every document on site, and if you need to, use excel to filter for certain folders or dates.
We will be adding more features to the index document over the Summer – if there’s something you’d like to see, or you’d like a demo, please get in touch.
Coming soon:
We have a really great 2 tier authentication option in testing at the moment, and next week we’ll be slipping in a beta of our new real time reporting module!