How Do I Customise My Data Room Emails

To customise data room email templates follow the steps below:

It’s worth noting that from time to time we will make updates to the email templates on all data rooms. These updates are very infrequent but they will override any changes you make. Therefore please make a copy of the HTML markup so that you can re-instate any changes you have made.

  1. Login as a data room administrator and click the “Repository” link at the very top of the data room (next to “More”).
  2. Navigate to Data Dictionary > Email Templates then select the folder that contains the email template you wish to edit.
  3. When the page loads you will notice files ending with “.html.ftl” – these are the files that you will need to edit. Please make sure you edit the correct language version template – for example if you are French make sure you edit the French version, the description will detail which file is the right one for you.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you have made all of the necessary changes to the email templates.

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