Naming Conventions And Allowed Characters

Allowed characters in file and folder names

When uploading files or creating files the following special characters are not allowed: * " < > \ / ? : and |

A period/full stop ‘.’ is not allowed as the last character in a file or folder name.

Use legal sorting and numbers to order folders

To order files or folders prefix them with a set of numbers e.g:

1 Finance

2 HR

3 Tax

4 Warranty

(The above works well if you select “Legal” under the sorting drop down in the document library – if you select “Name” as the ordering of data you must pre-fix a 0 to the beginning of your number to order data properly – for example 01, 02, 03 …)

Please be aware that folders will always appear ahead of files regardless (top to bottom). Files always appear below the last folder.

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