To make use of a site index follow the guide below.
Attaching the Index to your menu bar
By default, the ‘Site Index’ page is already in your current site pages so this will only be needed if the page has been removed from current site pages’ by a site manager already.
As a site manager navigate to the site you wish to add access an index of and click the gear icon at the top right of the room, then Customize Site. Next drag the Site Index icon from the top pane to the bottom pane. Make sure it remains in place and click the OK button to confirm the changes.
Your page will reload with the new link along your sites navigation bar.
Using the index
As any user click the Site Index link and wait for the page to load. You will now see an index of all your sites contents, and you will be able to click folders and file names to navigate to them in the document library. Alternatively you can Print or Download Full Index as a .CSV file.
If you have any questions or need help, please get in touch – [email protected].