Every user gets their own dashboard. Press ‘Customize Dashboard’ if you’re comfortable using websites, and want to personalise your  page. Click a site from the “My Sites” dashlet to get started. If there are no sites you may have to accept an invitation via email first.


Most data is held in Sites, which may be Public (anyone with a user account can Join – or Moderate to choose who can Join) or Private (invite only and hidden to non-members).

Click on the Document Library link to find folders and files


Document Library

Click in the options area to change the way we list files.

Click on document titles for a preview, or hover for an action menu.

Hints and Tips.

Click your name, and edit your profile
People want to know more about you! We only share this info with user who belong to sites with you, that you collaborate with.

Hover over filenames to quickly edit

When you hover over a file or folder, click the pen icon to change a title. This also works for adding Tags. 

Use the ‘Sites’ drop down to get around, and ‘My Dashboard’ to get back to the beginning.


Readonly users (consumers) will only see other users details in social sites. In other sites personal data will be hidden from them. 

You can follow another user, and see their updates if you share a social site with them.